Privacy Policy

Please read the following to learn about our privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) and the ways in which the Ministry of Health and Wellness (hereinafter referred to as “The Ministry”) shall treat your information before you (“user”, “users”, “his/her”) proceed with the use of the mobile application Mo Bienet (“Mo Bienet App”).

1. What information does the Mo Bienet App gather and how is it used?

The Ministry respect the privacy of all users of the Mo Bienet App and will not ask for personal details of users accessing and using the Mo Bienet App unless users are accessing the Infection Prevention and Control section.

Without the use of additional features, the data captured does not identify users directly. This data may be grouped with other data to help the Ministry improve our services which is in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

While opting to use the additional features, users will be required to register using MauPass. The registration process shall require input of personal information including a user’s mobile number so as to verify his/her identity.

The information submitted will be solely used for the purpose of administering the services a user requested. The verification and validation for the creation of a user profile/account may require confirmation via mobile number or email.

2. Protection

The Ministry will process any personal data that has been collected for the purpose of using and/or operating the Mo Bienet App in a transparent manner and in accordance with laws of Mauritius.

3. Data Processing

Any data collected is processed using computers and IT-enabled tools and appropriate

Security measures are taken to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorised destruction of the data.

Any data collected may be used for legal purposes in Court proceedings or in the stages leading to possible legal actions arising from the improper use of the Mo Bienet App or any related services.

The legal basis for the above processing shall be the following:

  • a) Consent; or

  • B) legitimate interests i.e. the proper administration of the Mo Bienet App.

4. Do third parties see and/or have access to information obtained by the Mo Bienet App ?

Only aggregated and anonymised data may be transmitted to external services to help the Ministry improve the Mo Bienet App and any service provided by the Ministry

The Ministry will not share information provided by a user with any third party except in the ways set out in this privacy statement.

The Ministry may disclose data collected:

  • a) as required by law in order to comply with legal process;

  • b) when the Ministry believes in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect its rights and protect a user.

  • c) safety or the safety of others; investigate fraud; or respond to a government request;

  • d) with the Ministry’s trusted service providers who do not have an independent use of the information disclosed

  • e) to them by the Ministry and who and have agreed to adhere to the rules set out in this privacy statement.

5. What are my opt-out options?

A user can stop all collection of information by the Mo Bienet App by uninstalling the same. If a user has opted to get notifications and wishes to stop receiving push notifications, the user can change the settings on his/her mobile device.

6. Your rights

Whilst the Ministry aims to give users a gist of their fundamental rights, it is imperative that users read official guidance from the relevant authorities to be fully informed of their rights under Data Protection Laws.

7. Data Retention Policy

The Ministry will retain any data collected for as long as the Mo Bienet App is being used by a user and for a reasonable time thereafter.

The Ministry will retain personal data in accordance with the prevailing Data Protection Laws.

Please note that some or all of the data provided by a user may be required in order for the Mo Bienet App to function properly.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time.

The Ministry will notify you of any changes to its Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy.

You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.

9. Your Consent

By using the Mo Bienet App, you are consenting to processing of your information by the Ministry as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by the Ministry.

10. Other Sites and Social Media

If a user follows a link from the Mo Bienet App to another site or service, this Privacy Policy will no longer apply.

The Ministry is not responsible for the information handling practices of third-party sites or services and the Ministry encourage users to read the privacy policies appearing on those sites or services.

As of December 2023, this Privacy Policy complies with the Data Protection Act